andrea böning
  art in architecture
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Schwarm und Ordnung
Swarm and
order 2017

Eternit, chrome
118 x 8,50 m

Riot Police Königsbrunn,
new construction indoor
shooting range

Competition art in architecture Kunst am Bau
award by Land Bayern,
2nd place

Images from press releases, internet forums and social media are the base of the wall design. They reflect the public image of the police and exemplify rallies of the riot police in major football events, political demonstrations and a swearing in of new riot policemen. 

Reflecting chrome circels are embedded in the rough Eternit surface. The result
is a relief with high-contrast materiality.

The circles work as a representation, as a translation of an individual. They are based on the geo-information technologies used by authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). In these technologies events and movements are connected with geographic data and visualized by using simplified pictograms and signs. 

The circles develop a variety of formations, which go beyond the objective geometrical function of the building. It creates moments of organized structures in rows and units, and such moments which remind of bird flight formations.
Choreographed organization and swarming behaviour meet, clearly divide or overlap.

Detached snapshots arise Between swarm and order. A part from an interpretation of the individual they show phenomena of a society as structure, formation, weighting, force and dynamic.